Blog Post #3

Based on what I have learned so far in this class, I think it is essential to incorporate technology into the classroom. When I first began this course I was more concerned about incorporating so much technology in the classroom that I would be overwhelmed and my students would be underwhelmed because they are digital natives. After learning about the different techniques and resources available to the classroom teacher I can definitely say my views on technology integration have changed. I realize that technology integration is more driven by the curriculum and less by technology itself. The purpose of Technology integration is for students to be able to use technology to perfect their 21st century learning skills, problem solve, and critically think. Personally speaking, I think some of the future challenges I face integrating technology into the classroom will be staying current, lack of training, lack of technology support, and lack of technological resources. I think lack of technological resources being the most important because many times school cannot afford to update classroom technology because of budgeting and other factors. I could definitely work around this issue by having the student bring their own technology. On the contrary, by having student bring their own technology or family shared technology parents are liable if the gadgets are misplaced or lost.
I plan to overcome the above mentioned challenges by providing in class time to allow my students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with new technology, attending professional development training on new gadgets and software, applying technology more in personal life to become more comfortable using it, and finding other resources to use technology outside of the regular computer such as the smart phone, tablet, notebooks, mp3 players, etc. I have learned so far that the possibilities and ways to use technology are endless and sometimes it can be as simple as using a search engine. For the budgeting and limited resource issues, as a classroom teacher there are always methods to increase income like achieving high test scores, competitions, fundraising, and grant opportunities to ensure that my student have all that they need to compete in a global market.