Blog Post 4 Digital Story (Book Talk)

For the digital book talk , it really took me quite a bit of time to piece together my assignment and I think the area I struggled the most was the 10 photo selection and the actual ordering of my storyboard. This project definitely required a great deal of planning and each step became a bit meticulous for me at times. Overall I am very happy with my finished work for the assignment. The value in completing this course’s tasks is that they require you to think as the teacher and the student. Sometimes as educators when we give direction and instruction it only makes since in our mind, by having to complete the tasks as the student we can really assess if our directions are clear and concise and if the students will fully understand what we are asking them to do.  Essentially the value in the tasks is in the finished project, being able to effectively give direction and having the ability execute that direction through a project, as a student, equips us with a special insight that’s needed in today’s classroom.  I could definitely see myself using digital stories and possibly even web quest in my classroom. I could have my students to create digital book reports to help understand key characters, events, and authors that we study in class. The Web quests would be a great resource to use for my students to become familiar with the steps of the research process. I could also design web quests for my students when covering extremely detailed units such as Shakespeare or Edgar Allen Poe. Even though both processes are tedious I really enjoyed creating my digital story, and though I did not submit a web quest I am interested in learning how to effectively create one so that I can apply it in my classroom.